Jack and Loren Messarra


We are missionaries with Mesa Global, and we are passionate about strengthening Christ’s Church in Africa, Asia, and Latin America through investing in and outfitting national leaders. We share our knowledge and training with church leaders serving across the world in their local contexts, so that they are equipped to shepherd their own congregations as well as raise up new leaders for other local churches.

Our model is to train leaders’: 
✦ head: through Biblical education
✦ heart: through spiritual formation
✦ hands: practical leadership and life skills

Together with our Mesa Global team, we provide virtual training and resources to missionaries, indigenous pastors, and church planters all over the world. We focus on leaders for whom seminary is out of reach – for geographical, logistical, or financial reasons. 

For the first 5 years of our overseas ministry, we were focused on training church leaders in Southern Africa. In 2020, God expanded our ministry - it is now virtual and global. Jack works on Mesa Global’s Training team and focuses on strengthening existing training efforts of Mesa Global workers. We are also engaged in Bible Translation and writing Bible curriculum.

On our blog, we share stories of life in ministry, reflections on walking with Jesus, and how you can be a part of what God is doing in and through us. 


Through The Years



we spent the summer in Kenya where Jack taught at the KBTC. Loren and the kids continue growing at TCS, and UWM is now Mesa Global!


Judah was born! Jack trained missionaries and pastors over Zoom, and UWM launched our Regional Training Hub (RTH) initiative.


we taught a WIN training course in CA, continued Trinity Classical School, and Jack’s travels took him to Colombia for training and Panama for presenting.


was a transitional year for us, where we processed our second term in South Africa, and explored new horizons with UWM.


was the year we bought a house in Houston, Jack baptized Micah, and Jack went to Ephesus for a pastor-trainer gathering.


we were in our groove discipling emerging leaders and setting up rhythms of life and ministry, before God returned us to Houston.

Living Locally, Serving Globally